Revolutionizing molecular identification
Glycans and metabolites are nature’s most advanced communication system.
At Isospec, we developed a technology to decipher their code, creating a unique understanding of biology beyond the genome and the proteome, and fuelling the development of new biotech products and disease diagnostics.
Our Team
Ahmed Ben Faleh, PhD
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer
Ahmed has an undergraduate degree in physics and PhD in Chemistry from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL). His PhD research involved developing the instrument underlying the technology of IsoSpec Analytics. His ambitions as an entrepreneur led him to pursue training in business development. He is deeply motivated by the impact that Isospec’s technology can have on people’s lives, allowing for early disease diagnosis and accelerating the development of new therapeutics.
Stephan Warnke, PhD
Co-founder, Chief Technology Officer
Stephan, also a physicist by training, performed his PhD research at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, focusing on technologies to solve analytical problems at the frontier between physical chemistry and biochemistry. Driven by the desire to see these technologies impact biomedical analysis, he joined EPFL as a postdoc to integrate vibrational spectroscopy into high performance mass spectrometers. With an entrepreneurial spirit, he is enabling this approach to become available for mainstream commercial applications.
Thomas Rizzo, PhD
Co-founder, Chief Scientific Officer
Tom has been Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Laboratory for Molecular Physical Chemistry at EPFL since 1994, where his laboratory has pioneered methods for measuring vibrational spectra of biological molecules inside mass spectrometers. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science and has won numerous awards for both research and teaching.